One of my customers recently purchased at auction a one-of-a-kind set of circus figures. The sterling silver figures were made by Tiffany Studios early in the twentieth century. As ringleader of this circus, my task was to design a means to display the group. Well it took about a minute and a half of intense (and highly billable) design work to conclude that this menagerie needed a big top!
Our big top will be a one-ring circus that is designed to sit on a bookshelf. The display that I construct will be painted by a decorative artist, and include a delighted crowd in the background with tent poles and the flying trapeze. It is meant to be whimsical and fun, but mostly as a backdrop to highlight the figures.
On projects such as this it is very important to get the clients approval before committing wood to saw. I have found that the best way to do that is to make a quick and simple mock-up which conveys in a very realistic way what the project will look like. Drawings are fine for many , but some people have trouble visualizing a three-dimensional object from a two-dimensional drawing. The photo below shows the mock-up, which by the way, the customer loved. I'll post a photo of the finished product when its completed.
first the ark, and now this? you get to play with the coolest toys!